The Beckoning Poetry Post Page

Poetry by Sharad Chandra

Added February 8, 2012

This is a section where I post poems sent to me by people who have found my site and wish to display their own works. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

This poem is by Sharad Chandra

A Look Around

When tired of being alone
with myself in my room
I take a walk to look around –
Dusty dawn, thirsty birds, lame cows
Aged children with burdened brows.
Squatting lifelessly about
Near the steps of the temple
Or at the gate leading to the lake
Now turned a grazing ground
For stray cattle;
Watching balloons go high in the air
With the detachment of a disgusted octogenaire
Hearts empty
Of all desire, all curiosity.
Tending to new tears
In their tattered pants
Or gazing idly at the flies
Gorging on the gaping wounds
On their body.