Diagram of a Stonebow

Added 21 March 1998

[Stonebow string]

[Stonebow diagram]

[Stonebow string]

The information above has been transcribed nearly verbatim from Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey's book, "The Crossbow."

For more information on stonebows, I would recommend the following books: A Guide to the Crossbow by W.F. Paterson, and The Book of the Crossbow by Ralph Payne-Gallwey. The Paterson book has some good historical information, but for an abundance of technical information, the Payne-Gallwey book has no equal that I have found. In the later are excellent schematics and drawings of every aspect of the stonebow, along with descriptions of how to make each part of the stonebow.

[Stonebow string]

Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, "The Book of the Crossbow", published by Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 1995. ISBN 0-486-28720-3.

Paterson, W.F., "A Guide to the Crossbow", published by the Society of Archer-Antiquities, 1990. No ISBN.

[Stonebow string]

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