Environmental Links

Added 4 January 2000
Revised 3 January 2018

I'm always looking for new links. So if you have any, send them along.


Happy Happy Vegan - A fun and informative site on veganism for folks who are or are considering becoming vegan

Ideas For Kids To Help With Conserving Water At Home - Easy ways for kids to save water

Endangered Marine Life - Thanks to one of Melinda Daniels' young book club readers for this link on endangered marine life in the Caribbean.

The Water Page: Water Conservation for Kids - Thanks to Mrs. Fowler's 4th grade class for this link.

Environmental Library: Endangered Animals - Thanks to Mrs. Fowler's 4th grade class for this link.

Endangered Animals Around the World - Abby sent me this great source of information about a large number of endangered species from all over the globe.

United Nations Environmental Programme: Global Environment Outlook 2000 - An excellent resource for environmental information all over the globe.

Waste of the West: Public Lands Ranching - A site based on the book by Lynn Jacobs. An excellent resource.

New West Research - A site with information on wildlife, Animal Damage Control, public lands grazing, and animal research.

RangeNet - a network of individuals who are working to improve the ecological conditions of America's public rangelands

Vegetarian Pages - This site has been down for a while, but they do have a few links to good sites, so I've decided to go ahead and leave this link here. Hopefully the full site will be back up and running soon. Find out about vegetarianism here.

Happy Cow - This site is a guide to vegetarian restaurants.

Veggies Unite! - A great site for vegetarians. Lots of great recipes.

Long Haul Cargo Bicycle - This is a neat bike for those interested in ditching the gas guzzler and going pedal power.

Forest Guardians - Web site of The Forest Guardians. Good information here.

Communicatons for a Sustainable Futre - This site encompasses more than just the environment.

Another links site - Instead of repeating a bunch of sites, I just thought I would let you know about another site with a lot of links.

The Great Republican 'Environmental' P.R. Campaign - a decidedly partisan, but equally important discussion of the environmental strategy of the Republican party.

USDA Forest Service Eco-Watch Dialogues - Pretty much just what the title says. A place for the public to discuss environmental issues with respect to the Forest Service.


Livestock Overgrazing Riparian Areas - This site belongs to a Montana fishing guide outfitter who has seen first-hand how cattle effect riparian areas. Unfortunately, some of this is happening on private lands, so there isn't much one can do, but this happens on PUBLIC lands as well. Added 13 April 2001

The Public Lands Grazing Activist - Dedicated to reforming the U.S. government's management of livestock grazing on public lands administered by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. The information on this site centers largely around Arizona.

RangeBiome: A Public Rangeland Almanac - A great resource.

Beef.org - News from the cattle growers. Go to the main index in the Newsroom for views of Beef.org.

Beyond Beef Fact Sheet - Information about the destruction caused by cattle, with bibliography.

A Cowfree 21st Century - Pretty self-explanatory . . . Many articles on the subject.

Arizona Cattlemen's Association - The section on the environment is completely empty of any commentary, as is the issues section, but there is a bit of information in the news sections.

RanchWest - I have shared a few e-mails with Nol Ward of RanchWest, and he seems like a very concerned and upstanding fellow who wants to preserve the ranching way of life in an ecologically sustainable way. Please drop by his site and check out what he has to say.


Federal Efforts to Ensure Biodiversity: The Endangered Species Act - A succinct synopsis of the Endangered Species Act with an accompanying video.

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