Academic Decathlon Alumnus

Meghan Radtke - Class of 1997

Added 1 December 1997

Makes music with piano and oboe
Enjoys collecting rocks and minerals
Gardening is awesome!
Has curiosity
Amateur radio licensee (KC7MOC)
Never likes to be cold

Reads constantly
Adores cats
Dresses up for every holiday
Travels every summer
Keeps busy
Eager to learn!!!

Now that you know a little more about me as a person, I'll let you in on some of my Academic Decathlon experiences. I joined A.D. my junior year in high school. Oddly enough, it wasn't because I wanted to find out more about an array of subjects or compete and win a medal. It was because the coach didn't have enough members for the team. He called me the night before school began and practically begged me to join the team. He even set up a directed study class with me since I didn't have room for A.D. in my class schedule! I enjoyed it a lot and made sure I had room for it the following year. During my senior year in A.D. I accomplished two mighty deeds. The first was earning a gold medal at the 1997 regional competition in fine arts. The second was getting all five questions right during the relay section of super quiz (Information Revolution). I'm a bit of a nitwit when it comes to computers, so I was estatic about the whole event!

At the moment, I am attending ASU and majoring in biology. I am enjoying classes and my professors. The Honors college at ASU is the greatest!! Right now it is ranked 3rd in the nation, only after Harvard and Yale. Imagine education right here in Arizona! I am soaking up all that they have to offer me. Other than subjects directly related to academics, I am in band and working at re-establishing an Amateur Radio Society at ASU. I'm looking forward to all the challenges school has to offer this semester.

If you'd like to
A) ask me questions
B) make a new friend
C) join the amateur radio club
D) none of the above

e-mail me.

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